This is a record of a dream I had on 19 January 2024; I’m posting it strictly for Spirit-filled Believers and those called to be intercessors in the Church to pray into. “For we know in part and we prophesy in part” (1 Corinthians 13:9). I include my interpretation in the footnotes, such as they are. The Lord frequently revisits past dreams with me during my prayer time for months and sometimes years afterward; the revelation He brings is often ongoing.
I found myself knocking on the door of a small, nondescript RV1, and it opened into a narrow foyer with another door inside. I was going to help with my friend’s2 daughters while they got ready to move somewhere new. The RV was clearly bigger on the inside, and more lavish than it looked from the outside. My friend welcomed me in and I was overwhelmed at the lovely stonework everywhere. As she began giving me a tour, I saw wood stoves3 around every corner and in every room and living space. They were all beautifully made. I also saw these wrought iron heating ducts suspended from the ceiling. My friend did not know what those were, but I did, and I marveled at everything she showed me.
We turned to the left into the living room, which had huge picture windows looking out on the stormy ocean4. We continued through the living room around to the right, and went down a hallway where all the family’s bedrooms5 were, and turned to the right again into a laundry area. My friend seemed mildly embarrassed at the overflow of laundry — piles on the floor6 — but I was unperturbed. Around the corner from the laundry room was a room holding all of her husband’s guitars. Some looked very old, others looked dingy/dusty as if they hadn’t been played in a long time. We paused, to look at them and discussed how glad we were that he was picking up those tools again7.
As we returned to the front entrance and stepped outside, we looked at the mansion they were leaving behind. My friend talked about how they knew when it was time to leave, about the grace lifting, how things became difficult to manage. I looked up at this mansion and it was sprawling, more like a castle than a house, with burgundy tin roofing and balconies on every part of the sandstone walls8. I was amazed at how huge it was, and could see why my friend had felt it was time to go. By this time it was dusk, growing darker by the moment, and the sky turned this lovely shade of purple and magenta as the sun set behind us9.
Representative of the family unit, especially a mobile family unit.
In the dream, this friend appeared as Christy Johnston, wife of worshipper and prophet Nate Johnston. I do not know them personally, but their ministry has shepherded and encouraged me through some very intense seasons of hardship. In this aspect, Christy — whose name means “one who believes in Christ,” — represents someone (or several someones) in authority in the Church, and those who we are in fellowship with.
Representing the heart full of zeal for God. “My heart became hot within me,” Psalm 39:3.
The excess heating ducts seemed to indicate “turning up the heat,” a metaphorical way of illustrating the intensity of the new thing the Lord is preparing to do. The iron could be indicative of strong leadership being in strategic position during this phase of “turning up the heat.”
The windows represented the prophetic gifting, insight or revelation, and spiritual discernment, and it was aimed at the world (ocean of humanity). I believe this indicates in this next move of God, there will be a significant amount of prophetic activity designed to reveal the state and seasons of what is going in our world.
By now it is clear this “small” RV is anything but, with supernatural provisioning and unique space for every member.
The laundry room was large, and is indicative of the ministerial capacity to cleanse those in the body or just coming into the body of Christ. Perhaps embarrassing because the lack of work the Church has done to truly assist those who needed it and set them free (how many churches, especially here in America, actually host successful deliverance ministries?).
Worship, worship, worship. Worship is warfare, worship is praise, and He is enthroned upon our praises (Psalm 22:3). Worship will be central to this next move.
The mansion represented today’s tendency toward the mega-church, with everyone jockeying for position, especially within the five-fold ministry (balconies). But if we are honest with ourselves, clearly the state of the church today is not operating as God intends it, otherwise events such as in the Book of Acts would be more commonplace.
Dusk tells me that the season is ending. I believe we are about to witness a significant shift from the corporate church model, to a tighter-knit, familial model. Small groups of families and friends who do life together, whose hearts burn for Jesus, who are able to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a way we’ve never seen before, who operate with strong prophetic insight and make room for the unique gifts and talents of each member.