Here are 20 things that work for me when the creative juices are running low:
Take my art process outside.
Work in a new location.
Test out a new medium.
Go sketching with friends.
Watch a documentary about a place I’d love to visit and sketch some of the scenes.
Go for a walk.
Take a seat in a coffee shop and people-watch.
Read poetry, and doodle what comes to mind.
Make art to music.
Organize my art supplies/desk1.
Scroll through my favorite art tags on Instagram2.
Walk through an art gallery/museum/installation and sketch the things you see.
Make a master copy3.
Doodle what you’re eating.
Grab an art prompt off Google or Pinterest.
Take pictures to draw later.
Draw something upside down.
Partner draw4.
This one never fails to inspire, as I always seem to find something which triggers the “Oooohh, so that’s where that’s been hiding!” and leads to some art making.
Be careful with this one, especially if you are new and/or sensitive to the inner critic. Too much gandering at others’ art can trip the trap of comparison, which is the thief of joy.
Master copies, historically, have been an important part of the learning process in many art schools.
This one came from one of my students: Rock-paper-scissors for who goes first, and draw something on the paper. Pass the paper to your partner after a minute, and let them draw something for a minute. Continue passing the paper back and forth until the page is finished and/or filled up.
It sounds bizarre, but getting a hot cuppa for me never fails to deliver the inspiration to grease the creative wheels! You can also paint with it (coffee works fabulously), so whatever floats your boat.