I love your drawings about catnip. I don’t have catnip, but I do love my catmint.

I myself have over the years have been careful with the word sanctuary. I’ve used it plenty of times just as you are using it. However, I think it should be kept more of a place that is divine and revered—church building. But then again, I see nothing wrong with creating an own sanctuary as a place to worship in your home. I go back-and-forth on it. But I’m still a little sensitive to using that word. I do like your idea of creating a space that feels safe and is peaceful. I do that as well. Only I tend to call it My Happy Place.

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I hear what you are saying.

I believe the home fits both definitions, as our homes should be consecrated and set apart unto the Lord just as we are; God doesn't leave us when we leave church on Sunday afternoon, only to wait inside the church for us to return again the next Sunday morning, after all. Scripture says that He is with us, always, and in all things. This is why my personal view is that we should not seek to compartmentalize the sacred. If He is with us in all things, at all times, then by default, His presence is actively engaged in the process of redeeming the ordinary. (This is a much bigger topic, though, one I may write on sometime down the road.)

The cool thing is that the definition of sanctuary as a place of refuge and safety was born out of the definition of sanctuary as a consecrated place -- historically, churches were places where the accused could go to avoid punishment for up to 40 days (hopefully so their case would be reevaluated!) -- so in truth, we cannot have any place of safety without there being a precedent for consecration and holiness.

Good discussion!

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I recently rediscovered my love of drawing recently and have found it a wonderful way to destress and cultivate moments of peace in my busy life.

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I love this. Isn't it wild how we let go of the very things that bring us peace? I am so happy you are getting the chance to draw again.

When I sit down to draw, it's like I can feel my whole body settling. It's great.

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