This is a record of a worship and prayer encounter; I’m posting it strictly for Spirit-filled Believers and those called to be intercessors in the Church to pray into. “For we know in part and we prophesy in part” (1 Corinthians 13:9). I include my interpretation, such as it is. The Lord frequently revisits past encounters with me during my prayer time for months and sometimes years afterward; the revelation He brings is often ongoing.
On the morning of the 20th of July, the Lord directed me to again get out my paints and set up a painting. He told me the base layer and predominant colors would be green, grey, and brown. As I prepared, He showed me a short vision of the stone foundations of a building cracking apart, and greenery sprouting from the center and overtaking it.
Once I prepped my canvas, I set to work. The first things I began to paint were the foundational stones. The Lord indicated this is a picture of the current foundations of the church (faith) in my country (America). It quickly became apparent as I sketched that the stones would be lit as if from the new growth sprouting inside the ruins. Once I sketched the stones, He had me deepen the colors in the sky, lightening them as I worked toward where the plant would sprout from, and then darkening them again as I indicated the earth upon which everything rests. I then proceeded to paint the plant, followed by the bloom, and the glowing roots were last (this is important). If you have the gift of seeing in the Spirit, you may see various animal shapes or other things hiding in the paint — when I paint while worshipping the Lord, this often happens. I am merely the hands, the tool, He uses with which to convey His message.
This is a word about the state of our church. The canvas is 9x12 inches; 9 is the number of Man and 12 is the number of government (authority).
The set of foundations on the right have a distinctly rabbit-like appearance; this indicates agreements with a spirit of lust or other types of sin. Possibly even unbelief, which runs rampant (breeds like rabbits!) in our society. The set of foundations on the left appear like a cat, which speaks of rebelliousness and witchcraft like that often utilized by the principality of Jezebel. The rocks near the bottom center, depending on how you look at them, have shadows that look like wolves (predators in sheep’s clothing) or pigs (uncleanness).1 2
This is the picture, unfortunately, of much of our current church. While the church does have faithful, pure-hearted followers of God (please hear me in this!), we have also seen the increase in recent years of accounts of embezzling, slander, unfaithfulness, sexual scandal, control and manipulation (1 Samuel 15:23), and more. I have personally seen pastors fail to hold leadership accountable for immorality (sex outside of marriage/unsanctified relationships being a common pitfall) and forms of extortion (business, financial, and spiritual). Among the manifestation of the prophetic, I have also personally witnessed much that is divination and witchcraft manipulation3. The flow of the true Spirit, the Holy Ghost, is stagnated in favor of prestige and platform and notoriety. “Ministry” is a buzz word for celebrity-ism rather than a way of compassionate life in service to others.
But GOD!
The plant, the new life, is rapidly growing out of the schism! It has grown and flourished inspite of unscriptural, loose teaching. It has thrived in the crevasses left as spiritual gaps widened, unfurling rapidly and with strength as it has matured under His oversight.
This is a picture of the new Move of God. It is encoded with the Holy Spirit — a flower cannot produce blue flowers if that color is not a part of its’ very molecular structure — and is about to bloom. The culmination, the fruit of this Spirit-move is about to reveal itself in its’ fullness. It even glows with an inner light that exposes the debauchery and failing systems of Man.
But what truly made me emotional were the roots. This Move is going to surpass the old foundations. It’s going to escape the confines the enemy has put on it, and it’s going to bring the Light of the Son throughout the earth.
Lastly, the color green speaks of healing. Those who turn fully to God, who practice a life of repentance and humility, who seek His face, are going to bring deep healing to a world who desperately needs it.
From “God’s Prophetic Symbolism in Everyday Life” by Adam Thompson and Adrian Beale (2017).
I should also note here that when I painted this, I did not set out to personify animals in the structure of the stones. They appeared that way after I had stepped back from the painting.
My personal testimony is that of a heart set free from generational occultism, witchcraft, and the New Age, and therefore I know it when I see it.